Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oh, were you talking to me?

I can't hear you. . . . This is our new way of dealing with family arguments. Actually it's Donovan's humor. JT was having an argument with his dad and didn't want to listen to him anymore. JT asked if he could have my earplugs and I said sure. So as I was trying to put earplugs in JT's ears, Donovan left and came back with these red ear thingy's on his ears. I'm not sure what it is called. Noise reducers?? Everyone was laughing so hard and it was so funny. Nate even had to try them on.

1 comment:

Ron and Mary Brunner said...

We LOVE your blog! So fun to see our precious little ones in so many fun settings!! Keep up the great work! (And put some photos up of the big kids in your family too!)
Grandma and Papa in Michigan